Fitness Empowerment

Ep 31 - 12 Tips To Navigating Your Grocery Store



In Episode 31, I share with You my 12 TIPS to navigating your Grocery store to give you a grocery cart full of whole, nutrient dense foods that were on your list! If you stick around to the end, you'll get 3 bonus tips as well! Overview of 12 Tips: 1) Clean Out Your Fridge, Freezer, & Pantry 2) Make a List 3) Don't go grocery shopping hungry! 4) Have an inquisitive approach! 5) Fill your cart up with produce first! 6) Add in all the colors of the rainbow! 7) Focus on an intentional protein source for every meal! 8) Shop the Perimeter of the Store First! 9) Only go down the aisles for a specific item! 10) When passing from front to back of store, walk through an aisle that will NOT tempt you (ie pet food aisle) 11) Instead of focusing on price, shift focus to nutrition facts and ingredient list! 12) Be aware of marketing labels such as "protein rich" or "high fiber." Question if that is really the case! Bonus tips are at the end of the podcast! I hope you enjoy! I would love your feedback on this podcast!