Beyond Shakespeare

215: Chess Pieces: Exploring A Game at Chess, part 5



Chess Pieces: Exploring A Game at Chess by Thomas Middleton A planning session for our future productions of A Game at Chess by Middleton. We focus on the second half of the play with the scenes between the White Queen's Pawn and the Black Queen's Pawn. Here the play goes in a slightly odd direction, which opens questions of how far does adaptation go. With Gregory Musson as Black Bishop's Pawn; Liza Graham as White Queen's Pawn; Lynsey Beauchamp as Black Queen's Pawn; Tom Helsby as Black Knight's Pawn, White Bishop's Pawn. The host was Robert Crighton, who also read the White Queen. Our initial First Look Exploring Session can be found on our YouTube channel - feel free to browse, like, subscribe - and all that malarky. The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is supported by its patrons – become a patron and you get to choose the plays we work on next. Go to - or if you'd like to buy us a coffee at ko-fi https