Beyond Shakespeare

236: Exploring: 1622 Lord Mayor's Show by Thomas Middleton



We had hoped to be running a live event to look at the 400th anniversary of the 1622 Lord Mayor's Show, but sadly it came to nought. Or at least, this year it did. We can however release this planning / Second Look session, where we had a go at decided what could be done with a text that is slightly trickier to put on in a public street - asking as it does what is happening with representations of race. Featuring regular city chronologer Professor Tracey Hill, Gregory Musson, Lynsey Beauchamp and Tom Helsby. The host was Robert Crighton. For more on Lord Mayor's Shows, and civic and royal pageantry generally, here are some handy links... Look at the texts and the map of the locations here - Exploring 1585 plus 1590 & 1590 - Lord Mayor’s Shows Playlist - Civic and Royal Pageantry Playlist -