Beyond Shakespeare

240: Chess Pieces: Exploring A Game at Chess, part 7



Chess Pieces: Exploring A Game at Chess by Thomas Middleton We focus on the closing scenes of the play, specifically the White Knight and Duke's attempt to infiltrate the Black House to uncover the truth about their plans. Reading combinations shift across the session, but mostly it was: Gregory Musson as White Knight; Liza Graham as the Fat Bishop and the Black Bishop's Pawn; Lynsey Beauchamp as White Duke and Black Knight; Tom Helsby as the Black Knight's Pawn, Black Queen and others; Daniel Yabut as Black King, Black Knight, White Knight The host was Robert Crighton, who also sometimes read the Black Knight and Black King. Our initial First Look Exploring Session can be found on our YouTube channel - feel free to browse, like, subscribe - and all that malarky. Video versions of these sessions are available to our wonderful patrons, links below. The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is supported by its patrons – become a patron and you get t