Beyond Shakespeare

242: This Is... 1583: A Year in Theatre



This Is... 1583 is a pilot for an occasional series looking at theatre history on year at a time, with a focus on plays premiering or in rep at the time, and significant events in the realm. With Helen Good, Stephen Longstaffe, Daniel Yabut and host Robert Crighton. If you'd like to hear more of this kind of thing, get in touch, suggest a year, suggest topics... though it might be a while before you hear more of this kind of thing. The plays covered in this episode, which have been explored on our YouTube channel, are... Fedele and Fortunio by Anthony Munday - Campaspe by John Lyly - Another confirmed play from that year includes a Latin play of Dido by William Gager Also discussed are the Queen's Men, their wider repertoire can be found on this expansive playlist - The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is supp