Soma Spokane Sermons

Undivided Allegiance



We’re launching a new series this Sunday entitled “Bearing Witness,” and we’ll be spending 7 weeks in 1 Peter 3.13-18. Peter gives us a “mission for normal folks” in these verses. This isn’t Paul in Acts traveling city to city and causing riots; this is everyday folks, living in neighborhoods, raising their families, working their jobs, and being faithful witnesses for Jesus. They aren’t knocking on doors, trying awkwardly to drop “Jesus” into every conversation, or donning some witness-wear. They’re people energized by the Spirit and the Good News, zealously committed to doing what is good, right, and true, even when it is costly. They’ve given their whole-hearted allegiance to Jesus and his Kingdom, and have abandoned hopes in the Empire. They are living the kind of lives that make their neighbors ask questions, into which they are eager and ready to speak of their Hope in Jesus. They hold their deep convictions and speak of them with gentleness and respect. In all things, Jesus is not only their message bu