Homers Leadership Podcast

21. Things To Change In Year One



Big thought: One of the first things that generally happen when a new person is put in charge is them changing the name. Our first instinct is to take a sense of possession over the organization or ministry by renaming it and changing it to fit our personality. The reason this can be very unproductive and even dangerous is because it is done out of ego rather than critical thinking. Today we’re going to unpack some of the first things that you should do (and not do) within your first year of being in charge. This is such an important topic because it will save you loads of time and energy, making you more efficient and effective during your intro season to leadership.  We’re going to focus on 3 major aspects of this kind of introductory leadership: Time Investment, Culture Molding, and System Efficiency. While each of these topics could be individual episodes of themselves, today I’m going to give you a simple overview to get you started. 1. Time Investment - Understanding your timeline better helps you to u