Garlic Marketing Show

Luke Charlton Used One Sentence to Take Coach from $150k to $600k in Monthly Revenue



Are you interested in scaling up your business using paid advertising?Luke Charlton, the founder of, is an expert in crafting successful offers and scaling ad campaigns. Luke shares valuable insights and strategies that can help high-ticket service professionals take their businesses to new heights. With fascinating anecdotes about his own journey in the industry, Luke's enthusiasm and knowledge shine through in this engaging and informative podcast. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, the Garlic Marketing Show with Luke Charlton is sure to inspire and inform.Get ready to learn how to build compelling offers, craft effective messaging, and scale your ad campaigns like a pro!What You’ll Learn:Scaling Ad Campaigns: Insights from Paid TrafficThe Power of Copywriting: Why it's the Most Important Marketing SkillCrafting Effective Offers: A 7-Step Framework for Success"How to Craft Effective MessagingScaling High-Ticket ServicesHow Changing One Sente