Wise Women Conversations

Embracing Menopause: Overcoming Shame and Shifting Mindsets



In this episode of Menopause Conversations, we delve into the topic of menopause and the shame that often surrounds it. As a female podcaster, I understand the importance of open discussions about menopause and aim to empower women through knowledge and support. Let's explore the key points discussed in this episode: Breaking the Silence: Menopause is often considered a taboo subject, leading to a lack of understanding and shame. Many women hesitate to even mention the word "menopause" due to societal stigmas and the fear of being judged. Changing the Narrative: While progress has been made in recent years, there is still lingering shame and misconceptions around menopause. Women's bodies are remarkable, capable of menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. Yet, the very process that allows for these miracles is often shrouded in shame and silence. Taboos Around Periods: The shame associated with menopause can be traced back to the secrecy and taboo surrounding periods. In the past, discu