Brandon Baxter In The Morning

Men Who Potty Sitting Down, The Golden Bachelor, & KFIN Breakfast Club - Powered by Families Inc.



Wednesday May 17, 2023 *** Men’s bathroom habits revealed *** Top perks to lure people back to the office *** The Golden Bachelor *** KFIN BreakFast Club - powered by Families Inc. *** Doc Talk w/ Dr. Shane Speights: Sleep health & sleep hygiene; study finds link between fast food heavy communities and cancer *** Jordan Griffin w/ the Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas: FOODSTOCK 2023 *** Dawn Layer w/ Families Inc. Counseling Services: Flags Across Jonesboro to benefit the Luke Kellums NICU Fund at St. Bernards *** Rodney Poff w/ Occasions: Jonesboro Event Roster *** Wet Nose Wednesday w/ Dr. Kevin Reed & VetCare: Worries Kelly may have caught Racoon Round Worm *** Jessica Odom updates us on Right Fiber offering 2 Gig & 5 Gig speeds ***