Homers Leadership Podcast

20. How To Delegate Effectively



Big thought: Depending on where you’re starting out in ministry or business, learning how to delegate tasks and responsibilities is key to being able to grow. There is always something more to be done, and if you don’t learn how to put people in the right places, you will be the cap to your own success. Today, we are going to talk about the right mindset of delegation, the actual practice of it, and how to best communicate it. 1. Understanding Your Role - If someone is able to do what you’re currently doing, you will be able to do something else that needs to be done or could be done. You will begin to experience exponential results! 2. How To Delegate - You must get organized. So many times, we think that leader have it all together! Or maybe you think that everyone has it together except for you! Trust me, none of us know what we’re doing. But getting organized is more talked about than actually done. 3. Communicating Clearly - What you can’t overlook in this process is giving them the tools to succeed an