Adagio Fit's Clarissa Explains It All

outcome vs process goals



Outcome goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. They focus on the end result that you want to achieve. Process goals, on the other hand, are more general and focus on the steps that you need to take to achieve your outcome goals. Outcome goals are important because they give you something to strive for. They help you stay motivated and focused on your target. Process goals are also important because they help you make progress towards your outcome goals. They help you identify what you need to do and how you need to do it. The best way to set goals is to combine outcome goals and process goals. This will help you stay motivated and on track as you work towards your target. Here are some examples of outcome goals: Lose 10 pounds in 2 months. Run a marathon in 4 hours. Get a promotion at work. Here are some examples of process goals: Eat healthy foods. Exercise 30 minutes a day. Take a class to improve your skills. By combining outcome goals and process goals, you can create a plan