Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 143: Maria Mason - Life of the Warrior: 12 Key Schools of the Spirit to Grow in Intimacy with Jesus - 7 May 2023



In John 6:45, Jesus continued, “It has been written by the prophets, ‘They will all be taught by God himself.’ We are warriors being trained by the Holy Spirit in a unique school called the SCHOOL OF THE SPIRIT. When the Spirit comes to live in us at our New Birth, we receive all of God. Now there is a teacher (the Holy Spirit) inside you! You have the complete package of His Spirit, but we need to learn to walk in it, be trained in it, and then get top-ups! You have signed on to be nurtured, grown, instructed, and built up in your intimacy and faith in Christ through a journey of growth and development. Here are 12 Schools of the Spirit the Lord wants us to take: The School of the Lordship Of Christ The School of Sonship The School of the Father's Voice The School of Sensitivity to the Spirit The School of Love The School of Relational Maturity The School of Worship, Prayer, and the Word The School of Discernment The School of Miracles and the Supernatural The School of Bridal Affection The School of Royalty