Dave By The Bell

047 What’s Next Graduate?



Dave fumbles about campus somehow managing to find a bunch of seniors who are about to graduate. Dave grills them on their plans for the future! It's every new graduate's dream come true!     Transcript:  Dave Blanks: Hey friends, on this Dave by the Bell, I'm going to talk to seniors who are graduating and ask them what the heck they got planned next. Stick around, won't you? Jenna Michalski: I'm Jenna Michalski. Dave Blanks: You're graduating, correct? Jenna Michalski: Yes. Dave Blanks: Congratulations. Jenna Michalski: Thank you. Dave Blanks: What have you been studying here at Appalachian State? Jenna Michalski: Commercial Photography Minor in English. Dave Blanks: Cool. So what do you plan to do with that? Be very creative, I would assume. Jenna Michalski: I'm trying to get paired with a video production company. Dave Blanks: Cool. Jenna Michalski: Either start off as an editor or some sort of an assistant. Dave Blanks: What are you doing on campus? Jenna Michalski: I have a final in about 30 minutes. Da