Q & A**: The Podcast By Q

Episode 67 - Travis Haley - Season Finale



Season 1 has been an absolute blast. Whether it’s the laughs, the stories, the knowledge shared, or the guests themselves, this podcast is one of our favorite things here. Hopefully everyone enjoyed what we’ve done so far, and we’re only going to improve. We’re gonna take the rest of the year to change some things, stockpile some new guests, and make the experience better for everyone. As a farewell to season one, we’re giving you a man who shouldn’t need any introduction within this industry; Travis Haley of Haley Strategic Partners. Travis is a former recon marine and contractor as well as one of the founders and former CEO of Magpul Dynamics. He embodies the saying “thinkers before shooters” and is extremely intelligent and thoughtful. It was a pleasure to have Travis on and we thank everyone who’s been with us this whole time. We’ll see you in February! Make sure to Like, Share, Subscribe...you know what to do. Go to https://www.tacticaldistributors.com/ and use code UNPOSSIBLE15 at checkout for 15% o