Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story Ep 257: How To Do Your Writer's Thing In Public



A little advice on public appearances for writers. This week Alex and I, give several pointed pieces of advice about what to do to make your public appearances more successful. We talk about book launches, readings, selling at conventions, speaking to potential customers, and talking with people who are more established in the profession than you might be. We also discuss strategies for creating an elevator pitch and sending thank you emails to potential mentors. All of these elements of the professional experience of fraught with peril, and we're here to guide you safely through that treacherous terrain! Join the conversation to learn more about the dos and don'ts of book launches and conventions, and how to make a lasting impression on potential readers and mentors. BONUS: HOW TO BE ALEX SIMMONS! :) Have questions or comments for us? Post them in the comments section below or ...  Write:  And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story and on The Damn