Ever Forward Radio

EFR 704: How I Remove Limiting Beliefs, Live Intentionally, Set Boundaries & Stay Committed to Myself



I recently sat down with Eli Weinstein to share my decades-long journey to discovering and embracing the real Chase Chewning! It’s a journey that reached its critical point when I turned 35 during the COVID outbreak in 2020. Like everyone else, my world was flipped on its head, and I’d started questioning deep-seated beliefs I’d held all my life. My goal? To rid myself of the beliefs that didn’t serve me and replace them with beliefs that do. The one question that I always asked myself, whether or not I was conscious of it, was: “Do I feel safe?” And ultimately, that boiled down to yet another question: “Am I loved?” And if I felt no safety or love at any moment—in holding onto a given belief, in interacting with a certain individual, in inhabiting a particular room—then I gained the clarity and the courage to climb over those walls that kept me in and found my freedom. Eli and I give our thoughts on the process of living an intentional life with a full commitment to oneself, from setting healthy boundaries,