The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Three Hard Fast Rules On Leadership (The FRONT #1)



Three Hard Fast Rules On Leadership. When it comes to leadership, there are fundamentals. I jump right into it in the video below. Here are three key (and fundamental in my opinion) rules on leadership. Know the job and content better than the people doing the task for you. AND - you have to be able to articulate what you want to be done, and demonstrate it if necessary. Investigate any resistances personally. "Manage from your feet, not from your seat!" Check out the info without opinion. Follow the evidence and outcomes wherever they lead you. Just follow it. Great leaders seek the truth. They also understand that truth and honesty do not ALWAYS coincide. Seek out facts. Share them. Teach them. Groom others to succeed and surpass you! You can check out of the video blog episodes on YouTube on The FRONT Playlist