The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

You Don't Have To Be First (The FRONT #4)



You don't have to be first... but you do have to be good (or AWESOME!) While you don't necessarily have to be the first person to do something in business. You don't even have to execute on a particular idea, product or endorsement before anyone else. You do have to be good at the product, service or task that you are speaking about. Good or better anyway. You may not even need to be an expert to start - but once you start, it is important to remain teachable and open to new ideas. Don't shut down. You have to continue educating yourself while you are educating others. Keep in mind, being first and being #1 are clearly two different subjects. Being first is being the first to accomplish a  task. Being number one at a task or job is based on results and performance. To gain expert or #1 status, you MUST do the right things, and do them right (correctly). After all, there is a right way in coaching and handling people, implementing processes and certainly your product. There are a right and wrong to the product