The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Leadership Accountability (The FRONT #14)



Leadership Accountability - GET SOME! The definition of accountability is the state of being accountable or an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility. Is this you? Are you completing tasks with the same diligence that you assign to your staff? Are you performing the duties necessary to lead and get out in front? Do you have the ability to perform the tasks that you are asking of others? Are you present in the moment? Is your team and/or department consistently hitting their goals? Key points of Leadership Accountability: Being present in the moment with your staff, not just showing up, but participating in your team’s well-being and the pursuit of the goals. Having the ability to assist in completing tasks that have been delegated to others. You can’t coach what you don’t know Leaders being responsible for their job duties as well as those that answer to them. Leaders that are the most actionable and involved receive more lateral praise from other leaders and from other staff members when working