The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

3 Things To Actively DO That Increase Influence (The FRONT #25)



Leadership IS influence. If you engage actively in these three things, you can increase your influence and your leadership aptitude. Know yourself and your team. You must play to your strengths as well as your team's strengths. Making sure to address and develop weak areas to minimize or eliminate shortcomings in a business environment. If you know yourself well you can lead others to success. If you know your team well, then you can drive them to greatness, and they will feel confident and help to build your vision along the way. Be an open and authentic positive influence. Leadership is influence, it’s not a title. Leadership is similar but not the same as a management role. The reason is because influence can come from anyone at any level and in any role. Therefore leadership can come from any level in an organization.  Leadership has to do with lifting other people up and working towards a common goal. When you work together and especially when you achieve together it builds