The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Evolution Is Different Than Sacrifice (The FRONT #36)



It's true. Evolution and sacrifice are different things, but I imagine you know that. Let me explain the context...This episode came out of a conversation that my wife and I were having about a pop artist last night. While listening to the radio, I commented that, “(The artist) doesn’t know who she is, or who her audience is anymore.” And my wife agreed. We talked for a while about how people put into certain situations, will change for the moment, to fit in, or to gain popularity. Most of the time, the people on the outside can easily see that it’s not really who they are, and they become exposed. And then I got to thinking about that statement…life is about evolving and growing. My wife even said to me, well that person is in a different place than when they started. True, but is it the right place for them, is it a good place – neither of us can answer that question. It’s not our life; not our path. ev·o·lu·tion - the gradual development of something, especially from a simple t