The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

5 Tips On Getting Motivated and Staying Motivated (The FRONT #40)



Get motivated and stay motivated with these five tips! When someone says, “Wow, that person is highly motivated!” We think of someone with limitless energy, and a positive attitude. But, how did they get that way? Where does the energy and the non-stop positivity come from? Motivation at its core is one of two things. Motivation is “need,” or motivation is “want.” Thus, when you NEED something bad enough, you get motivated. It creates high energy, positive attitude, laser-like focus, and more confidence. Likewise, when you WANT something badly enough, then the same or similar effects take place. Here are 5 tips in 5 minutes to get motivated and stay motivated! Define your want or need (WHY do you want or need this goal?) Some people say to find a “WHY” or at least a large enough “WHY.” Write things down. Keep a list of notes. Write down and continue to evolve strategies Focus on the goal every single day. Look at it, repeat it to yourself. Tell other people about it. And then, ke