The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

What Did You Learn Today? (The FRONT #41)



Did you learn something new? I have talked often about learning. Learning being deliberate and definitive. Regularly we talk about having a teachable attitude or a growth mindset – but what does that really mean? Like specifically. You MUST keep the wonder – you MUST be open to learning new ideas about old tasks. One activity you may involve yourself in is to look back at the end of each day and ask yourself the question, “What did I deliberately work on learning today?” One fundamental key to learning is feedback. Feedback from the people that are supposed to be learning the subject matter and then fed back to the instructor, so that they can tell the quality or the teaching. In a recent blog this week, I talked heavily about mediocrity. And one of the ways to eliminate mediocrity: learn something new every day. Make yourself more valuable today than what you had to offer yesterday. Pick up a book, do some research, listen a little bit better when someone is speaking on a subject