Minion Motivation

Faith, Ambition, Business — Driven By____ Interview



In this episode, Caren Plummer interviews Dominion Ezechibueze and he shares how experience as an athlete, regularly experiencing body aches and pains helped him pave the way to find his calling in the health and wellness space. Today Dominion, is dedicated to helping others live a pain-free and mobile life, through thoughtful programming focused on creating flexible and strong muscles/joints, that can help lead to optimized longevity of both physical and mental health. Enjoy the show!!!! ✅ FOR MORE VALUE ⬇️ Fix your lower back pain with me ➡ Follow this podcast on Instagram ➡  Follow this podcast on Facebook ➡  Listen to my latest music release ➡ driven by ____. is a podcast exploring the intersection between passion x purpose, where they highlight the stories of change makers, risk takers and entrepreneurs, to help understand wha