Homers Leadership Podcast

17. How To Balance Ministry And Parenting - Balancing Series



Big thought: One way to experience burnout is by having your personal life invaded by your work life. It’s easy to feel completely exasperated due to the additional efforts or pressures from work or ministry, and if left unchecked, it can totally ruin your potential as a parent, a spouse or as a minister. Because ministry is so personal and unpredictable, one of the biggest challenges is learning how to balance your personal life and the ongoing demand of ministry.  In today’s episode, I focus on learning how to balance as a parent. I share my own personal experiences in an effort to give you a heads up of mistakes to avoid and tips to help you better tap into your potential as a parent and minister. Lessons from my kids: With my 1st kid, I learned: You ONLY have 24 hours in a day. With my 2nd kid, I learned: You ONLY have 100% to give. With my 3rd kid, I learned: You should ONLY say “yes” when it is truly a right fit. Take away: 1. Write down and list 1-24 hours for your day and do a time assessment. Bloc