Karen Rands - Compassionate Capitalist

Elizabeth Holmes -Investors Learn the Cost of Limited Disclosure & Transparency - Karen Rands Weighs In



Karen Rands provides context, prior to the replay of her popular podcast on transparency and disclosure between entrepreneurs and investors, for the fraud perpetrated by Elizabeth Holmes, Founder and CEO of Theranos, a company that sought to develop and manufacture a medical device that could identify, monitor, and deliver therapeutics for disease detected through a prick of blood. Introductory comments set the stage for lessons to be learned by all investors. Elizabeth Holmes had all the characteristics of the ideal startup founder:  visionary capable of big noble ideas intensely competitive internally motivated -strong drive and determination highly intelligent charismatic Except one: commitment to truth & transparency Yet, she had the fatal flaw that often comes along with these other characteristics, which can hide underneath the surface only to reveal itself when faced with undeniable defeat:           + total inability to accept and admit failure, due to a fragile ego and innate since of entitleme