Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring Extraterrestrial Contact and Experiences with The Mallard Report



The Mallard Report is a live virtual show that is recorded on Tuesday nights at 9 pm Eastern time. The host, Jim Mallard, welcomes Leslie Mitchell Clark, a certified clinical hypnotherapist, regressionist, on-air host, actor, and arts journalist, to the show. Leslie specializes in working with individuals who have had contact and experiences with extraterrestrial beings. Jim and Leslie discuss the nature of extraterrestrial contact, with Leslie sharing some of her own experiences and stories from her clients. They also discuss the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to explore new ideas and concepts. The show is sponsored by Sarah Wood Dock, a PTSD survivor who has created a small business selling unique gifts and animal prints. Jim and Leslie have a lively and engaging conversation, with both of them sharing their thoughts and opinions on the topic of extraterrestrial contact. Overall, the show is an interesting and informative look at a topic that is still shrouded in mystery and controvers