Highlights The Malliard Report

The Future of AI in Schools: Information Velocity, Deepfakes, and Ethics



In this episode, we dive deep into the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on education and how it may change the way students and teachers approach learning. We also discuss the concept of "velocity of information" and the overload of information in today's fast-paced world, leading to a "wet bulb effect" where people are overwhelmed and burned out. We explore the growing threat of deepfakes in schools and the potential impact they could have on the education system, as well as the challenges of regulating deepfakes and the potential impact on various industries. We also touch on the role of AI in monitoring students and the ethical implications of using this technology in the classroom. Join us as we ponder the future of AI in schools, the potential ubiquity of constant surveillance in various professions, and the challenges of determining the effectiveness and longevity of safety measures in schools. Don't miss this intriguing conversation about the ever-evolving landscape of AI and education. Guest Da