Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 254 Converse With Nature



With the celebration of Earth Day a couple of days ago on April 22, I offer an idea that you can practice on any day throughout the year. This practice is a shift in mindset and will not only help you honor the earth, but more profoundly heal the earth. Inspired by Victoria Loorz’s book “Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us Into the Sacred” try conversing with nature. Conversing with nature, is a reciprocal act, enriching our relationship with our beloved planet earth and allowing the earth to enrich us. Give it a try. Begin with a sense of wonder. A conversation includes both speaking and listening. Converse with the leaves, the budding Spring blossoms, the wind, the rocks and the butterflies. Add this to your spiritual practices. Develop a language of intimate connectedness with other beings and elements. May our conversations with nature awaken a sense of kindred belonging as we restore our planet and our own souls. Check out the link below for “Church of the Wild”. Enjoy the podcast! Links: “Chu