Free Your Inner Guru

Five Myths and Three Antidotes for Your Comfort Zone - Free Your Inner Guru



Was it pretty the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Did you find the magic? Or did something else happen? Today on Free Your Inner Guru we’re digging deep into two of our key themes, personal development, and the self-help industry with 5 Myths and Three Antidotes for Your Comfort Zone. My goal is to help you find your sweet spot - where healthy growth and discomfort intersect. I’m guessing you’ve heard one of these statements before: Bigger, better results – or everything you want - lies just outside your comfort zone. If you're not growing, you are dying. You have to become comfortable feeling uncomfortable. The comfort zone has become a cliche.   And just like most other cliches, there are truths at the core of each of these statements.  But did you know that there are at least as many myths floating around as there are truths? Mentioned in this Episode: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown: Phenomenal book that I recommend to everyone.  Deals with topics like courage, vulnerability, leader