Free Your Inner Guru

How Badly Do You Want It? Dealing With Resistance to Change - Free Your Inner Guru



Resistance is a part of the personal growth process. It’s not just you. Have you ever noticed that just as you are about to take action towards a bigger better result, you are often met with uncanny amounts of resistance? If you caught last week’s episode, I invited you to join me in an experiment designed to bring more joy into your life. You always have a choice: Succumb to it – because it’s just easier that way, or Ignore (aka power through) your resistance, which is not sustainable, or Recognize it for what it is, detach, and consciously move forward. When you are faced with resistance, do you react in frustration, anger, and feel sorry for yourself? Or, do you remind yourself that discomfort is a necessary and natural part of the game. Your resistance has a purpose it’s there to ask you, "How badly do you want it?" When you choose to respond consciously, you remain open to new opportunities. Do you Charge full steam ahead with blinders on? Throw yourself a pity party? Consciously remai