Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

277. Raj Jana: Releasing Repressed Anger



Over the last several years, I’ve spent a lot of time learning how to feel several uncomfortable emotions like sadness, grief, and shame. But anger is another story. I’ve always had a hard time connecting to my anger, and I know I’m not alone. Most of us are not taught how to deal with anger in the moments we feel it because of all the conditioning and “rules” we have around expressing anger. As a result, it just gets stored in the body and fuels reactive behaviors and emotional triggers. These emotional triggers don’t fully stop occurring until you release what’s been buried in the unconscious mind for years, some decades.March was a profound month of learning to release repressed anger that never fully got felt growing up. I had a few profound healing experiences and enlightening conversations led to some significant breakthroughs in my emotional well-being. Thank you all for being. I’m beyond grateful that I get to share this journey with you all. Love you guys! If you have a moment, please