Mike & Maurice's Mind Escape

Ancient Mounds and Plasmas with Dr. Gregory Little Episode #278



Tonight producer Shane and I are joined by Dr. Gregory Little. Dr. Gregory Little is a psychologist, ancient mound researcher, and author. His most recent books are “Origins of the Gods” and “Denisovan Origins”. We will be discussing his latest research, ancient mounds, entheogen, plasma, metaphysics, and more. Dr. Gregory participated in our documentary “As Within So Without: From UFOs to DMT” we will also touch on that. The director’s cut is currently available on our Patreon page for just $7.77 and we would appreciate it if all of you Mind Escapees help spread the word and make people aware of it via social media and word of mouth.  *HERE IS THE LINK TO WATCH “As Within So Without”: https://www.patreon.com/posts/as-within-so-to-80209747?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link *Denisovan Origins with Dr. Gregory Little | Mind Escape 98 https://youtu.be/ShuRlY-Usv0 Edgar Cayce and Atlantis with Dr. Gregory Little | Mind Escape 119 https