Cheries World

Mental Health, dealing with MS, systemic racism, and more with Rob Roberts



Rob Roberts is a Personal Development Expert. Rob is an award-winning specialist. He is also the creator of the "Change the Channel" and "FEAR DAM" concepts as well as the creator of the MS Push-up Challenge! He is devoted to sharing ideas, resources, and tools that will assist you in becoming your best self.   Rob has been featured in magazines, television talk shows, radio programs, articles, television networks, podcasts, news segments, blogs, newspapers, and a host of other media outlets in numerous countries around the world.    Rob’s goal is simple: Help YOU get to your goals faster. Never be ignored, interrupted, or forgotten again.    If you would like to know more you find Rob at: @muscletobonefitness Youtube: Muscle to Bone Fitness Office Number 804-505-5404 #Pushup4ms     Follow Cherie on Instagram   Like Cherie on Facebook https://www.faceboo