Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Freedomcast: Clear the Fear & Liberate Your Heart to Lead



"Your power ends precisely where your fear begins." - Melissa Etheridge. Fear diminishes, distracts, and dissipates feminine power. When fear leads you create realities you don't desire. You work too hard, effort more, create more stuff to do than what's good for you or needed. When fear leads your choices in how you give life force you give out is WAY MORE than what you receive. Result. Overhwhelm, stress, depletion, frustration, sigh. But...when a woman (or man) clears the fear from their head, transforms the fear in their heart, a choose to lead from her heart, even if it scares her or seems crazy, now that is where our power is.   The challenge is that fear is tricky and it can be really subtle, so most of us have NO idea that we are operating from fear, making our choices about where our life force flows from fear. It is only when you slow down, and tune in, that you can see the fear, hear your heart, and let your soul wisdom guide. In this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, you'll receive a mini