Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Female Friendship: Staying in Love Even When Your Feelings Get Hurt



As part of our series on Cultivating a Field of Love in all of our relationships, I thought we needed to get real and deep about our female friendships. Our interactions with other women are one of the main places we either strengthen our feminine power or give it away, or worse, revert to the shadow of feminine power and use tactics like manipulation, colluding, gossip, blame and guilt or just cut off people all together. Most of us didn't get training on how to show up in our female relationships from a place of courageous love, to both ask for what we need + use conflict, hurt feelings, disappointment and the hard stuff to create stronger connections with the women in our lives.  For this episode of Feminine Power Time I invited a woman who I have been deepening and growing my friendship with for about 9 years, who also just happens to be a leading expert on friendship and women's relationships. Her name is Shasta Nelson, and we invite you to join us to explore:     1. How to navigate conflict with a frien