Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

SALON: Shadow of Sisterhood: Betrayal, Competition & More that Destroys the Feminine Core



Our strength as women has always come from our bonds to the women in our lives. When the bonds are strong, it's like we feel connected to a timeless unbreakable rope that keeps us safe and strong no matter the storm and we can do and face anything.  Yet sisterhood, true sisterhood is anything but easy. I've seen and experienced myself the carnage that can come through the wounds our relationships with other women can cause, even from truly conscious women. Blame. Betrayal. Competition. Cliques. Cutting Off. Maybe you can relate? Collectively, sisterhood has also been at the root of all the great risings of feminine power, and the tears in the fabric of the sisterhood have dismantled and weakened these feminine risings, slowing the momentum.  Tune in this special Feminine Power Time Salon, with Christine Arylo and special female leaders spanning 3 generation and 3 continents, as we explore:  * How the shadow in female relationships and pressure from outside systems weakened the feminine movement of the 1960's