Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

EP 37 Strengthen Your Sisterhood: Deepen Your Female Connections + Create Your Sisterhood Circle



We need sisterhood. And I don't use that word 'need' lightly. But in this case it is true. We need the support, love, care, witnessing that can only come from another woman.  Even women who have amazing supportive partnerships with a beloved need sisterhood. There is just something about the feminine bond that our hearts crave, our souls blossom from and our bodies and minds relax in. We know this. Yet... Why is it so hard for us to cultivate the sisterhood we need? And why does the space for it often get put last on the list? Creating soulful connections with other women is essential yet most of us were not taught HOW to cultivate the intimate connections we need to thrive. And as our guest Shasta Nelson, friendship expert and one of my dear soul sisters, reports after studying female relationships for over a decade, Friendships Don't Just Happen.  Tune into this episode of Feminine Power Time - # 3 in a 4 part series on our Feminine Bonds - with feminine leadership advisor and spiritual catalyst Christine