Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Ep 38: To Be a Mother or Not to Be a Mother? That is Not the Question



At some point in her life every woman is faced with the question of whether she will have children or not have children. It's a very personal question that we don't have a lot of wisdom and ritual around in our culture, which can lead to a lot of stress, anxiety, personal doubt and shame, and even a lot of separation and judgement among the best of friends. The very question around motherhood itself sets us up for separation and self judgment because it's a yes/no duality based question, which automatically creates limitation with only two choices. Either I have a child if I want to be a mother or I don't. This polarizing approach to motherhood also puts a lot of pressure on a woman to have a body that can produce a child or can beat the clock or that she can justify a reason if she chooses not to birth children. Feminine Wisdom guides us to make inquiries that expand possibility and bring us deeper into our own personal truth. A wiser question - one that can lead us to our own inner truth and feminine power