Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Ep 42: Power Pauses: The Feminine Super Power Practice of Pausing



"The Wisdom is in the Pause.. I am here to remind you not to fear the pause... Some of the most courageous people I know are scared of it, as I have been myself." - Alice Walker, nobel prize winning writer of the Color Purple.  You and I both know that we NEED to pause on a consistent basis - daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. The scientests have finally proven what yogis and mystics have known for centuries - not only does taking a pause - be it sleep, meditation or a walk in nature - clear our minds and restore our bodies - it literally is what Wisdom requires if you want to run your life from Wisdom vs the collective overculture, status quo and conventional wisdom.  Yet left to our habits and patterns we will choose to fill the space, or run the outdated "i don't have time program" and then as a result focus on the wrong things, or too many things and our power gets fragmented and our lifeforce drained.  This is where using what I call the Feminine Super Power of Pause + the practice of power pausing can help