Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

EP56: Sacred Work & Sacred Rebels



In our traditional mainstream culture, we are told we have to build our careers, work hard, and climb to the top - which is why we all feel so overwhelmed and over it, and why we never seem to 'get there.' We pressure ourselves to be there now. Or we lack the courage to go for what our heart's begging us to do. At this time on the planet, we are being called to DO THIS DIFFERENTLY- to take our power back from outdated ways of thinking about work and career which limit our freedom and expression. And be the powerful, wise presence we came here to be, self expressed, doing good in the world and also being SUPPORTED as we grow, take risks, put ourselves out there, and make shift happen. I invited my good friend Jenny Blake, author of the book Pivot, and another woman who like me has chosen to continually evolve herself and her work in the world in ways that create more freedom, meaning, expression and goodness in the world. We've both cut ourselves free from the golden handcuffs, learned lessons about being entr