Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Ep63: Are Your Channels Clear? Ensuring Your Higher Consciousness is Directing Your Intuition



The yogis say when our intuition is strong and clear we can know our truth and the best path to take within 9 seconds. But when your subconscious is cluttered or clogged due to stress, fear, too much going on, other people's stuff your intuitive guidance system gets tweaked, cloudy and confused. So you make choices that are not in your best interest.  But how do you know if your channels of intuition are clear or cloudy? And how do you clear your intuition channels so you can make choices that are aligned to your highest consciousness and good?  I am just back from an 8 day yoga teacher training in the New Mexico desert, and I brought you back some souveniers... to support you in clearing out the blocks and clutter in your field so the choices you make this next part of the year are guided by Wisdom, keeping you true to your path and yourself. Intuition super food!  Join me, Christine Arylo, for this Feminine Power Time - "Are Your Channels Clear? Ensuring Your Higher Consciousness is Directing Your Life" whe