Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

68: Intuitive Attunement: Super Power Your Connection to Divine Wisdom



Intuitive Attunement is my second favorite super power feminine wisdom word of the year. And I think you are going to LOVE it too! When you have it, and know how to cultivate it, you have the inner power to make the best choices for yourself, in your career, relationships, wealth, health, home. Without it, you are often being led by the cultural craziness and your own subconscious emotional commotion.  Intuitive Attunement - you being 'attuned' from the inside out to Divine Wisdom and therefore your own soul wisdom - gives you access to a deep well of wisdom that's connected to your heart and soul - so you can stay true to yourself, and take leaps of faith that backed by sound wisdom.  It surpasses the mind, which can only create what it has experienced before or seen in others, to access insight, guidance and possibility.   But most of us were not taught how to develop nor strengthen our power of Intuitive Attunement, so we operate at half our power, make choices that are jaded by past experiences and often