Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

71: What Blocks & Distorts Your Feminine Wisdom from Getting Through?



When you are 'tuned in' to your inner wisdom and your channel is clean and clear, wow can you step forward with courage, stay focused on what matters, and make wise choices for yourself, your work/business and in your relationships. But when your wisdom channels are blocked up or mucked up, wow can you make some bad choices, shrink back, spin out, work too hard and give too much and generally create havoc vs harmony for yourself.  But how do you know if your inner guidance system is tweaked out vs tuned in?  I just had to add this bonus Feminine Power Time to complete our series of Feminine Wisdom: What is it? Why is it essential? How do you use it? It will be the 5th in this Feminine Wisdom Series. Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, for a conversation we have to have to make sure we are responding from our truth vs reacting from our fear. If we aren't self aware of how we work inside and understand the signs we are operating from distorted emotions and ideas, we can't s