Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

74: Feminine Leadership: What Does it Look Like to Lead As A Woman?



Most women operate at half power, trying to assimilate into ways of working that don't support how we naturally operate and create, undervaluing ourselves and our work, and taking more responsibility than is ours to take on. We care about the world. We want to make things better. But the way we've learned to lead and work is based on models that do not support nor tap into our 'feminine' power and wisdom.  But what the heck is the 'feminine' and why do we need it? Can't we just all try to be better people, grow our careers, and talk about leadership without needing to gender modify it? The answer is NO. If we desire to create a world in which there is pay equity, gender equity, connection instead of isolation, where we grow ourselves, our families and our work/business in ways that sustain and nourish us vs like some crazy Monsanto accelerated growth model, we have to LEARN what the feminine is... REVEAL the full range of our power... and then VALUE and APPLY a different way to work, live and lead. There's mu