Hold Up

The Wrestler



In 2008 Darren Aronofsky decided to unleash his emo rainbow in his ongoing quest to make humanity sad with, The Wrestler. Aronofsky unleashes the powerful Mickey Rourke as the title character, Randy “The Ram” Robinson, a superstar wrestler whose star has since faded and is unable to pursue his passion because his heart did a 30-foot powerbomb from the top of the ribcage. So, the Ram is determined to find another purpose in life, like strippers and kids. This flick fixed a career, made some others, won all the awards, and took in enough singles to make it rain for days. But does it hold up? Listen in as Jon, Colin, and Brent discuss wrestling with life and suplexing strippers as we try to determine if The Wrestler pinned us or if we got rammed.