Whence Came You? - Freemasonry Discussed And Masonic Research For Today's Freemason

Whence Came You? - 0589 - Ceremony and Mystery



This week we're defining ceremony and mystery, comparing, contrasting, and looking at how both affect Freemasonry! Then, we have a concise list of five things your lodge can do this spring to unify. Don't miss it. Thanks for listening and have a fantastic week! Links: Five Things for Your Lodge https://scottishritenmj.org/blog/five-spring-activities-to-unite-your-lodge Ceremony, Mystery, and Freemasonry https://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/1355-ceremony-freemasonry-and-the-mysteries Masonic Con Chicago 2023 www.masonicconchicago.com Get your tickets to MCME2023! http://www.mcme1949.org/events.html Craftsman+ FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/craftsmanplus/ WCY NFT https://wcypodcast.com/nft Get a Tarot Reading by RJ http://www.wcypodcast.com/tarot WCY Podcast YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/WhenceCameYou Ancient Modern Initiation: Special Edition http://www.wcypodcast.com/the-Shop The Master's Word- A Short Treatise on the Word, the Light, and the Self - Autographed