Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 252 Justins For Justice



The Tennessee 3, surprisingly provided me a profound Spiritual experience this past week. You don’t need to be religious or practice Judaism or Christianity to find liberation and resurrection in how the two Justins conducted themselves, in order to rise above the racism and authoritarianism from the Tennessee House of Representatives. Justin Pearson and Justin Jones proudly represented the people whose children had just been murdered, represented the marginalized, gave voice to the voiceless. The two Justins gave me hope, invigorated me with new life, with a promising vision forward. Check out the show notes for links to follow Justin Pearson and Justin Jones. Please join me in supporting the inspiring work of Justins for Justice!  Enjoy the podcast! Links: IG: @justinjpearson IG: @brotherjones IG: @gloriajohnson Twitter: Justin Jones Twitter: Justin Pearson Twitter: Gloria Johnson Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition Equity Alliance Memphis for All