Mike & Maurice's Mind Escape

The Mystery of Coral Castle Episode #277



Tonight Maurice and I will try to unravel the mystery of the coral castle in Florida. Around 1923 a man named Edward Leedskalnin built a coral megalithic site consisting of over 1,000 tons of oolite limestone. The mystery surrounding the site revolves around how Ed built it himself. How could 1 person cut, quarry, and move all those heavy blocks by themselves? Maurice went there recently and took some pictures.  *The director’s cut is currently available on our Patreon page for just $7.77 and we would appreciate it if all of you Mind Escapees help spread the word and make people aware of it via social media and word of mouth.  *HERE IS THE LINK TO WATCH “As Within So Without”: https://www.patreon.com/posts/as-within-so-to-80209747?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link *LinkTree:  https://linktr.ee/MindEscapePodcast *Here is the link to the trailer for our documentary “As Within So Without: From UFOs to DMT”: https://youtu.be/ZUEI0Vvk